Jason and I were overdue for a visit to our brothers- Jason's brother, Kevin, and my brother, Joe. So, we decided to visit them both in an all in one trip to Palo Alto, CA and then to Portland, OR. First stop, California, where we got to spend time with Kevin and Brittany.

We did a lot of fun site-seeing with Kevin, during the day, and then lots of yummy dinners out all together when Brittany returned from work. Here's Kevin and Isla in the California Academy of Sciences checking out some fish (above).

Kevin even got some good snuggles after he showed Isla snakes and lizards (above). And here's Isla and Brittany (below).

Isla and I sometimes wear matching purple fleece.

Here's our family pic at Stanford's campus- where smarty pants Kevin is attending college and getting some crazy degree.

Jason and I missed the Redwoods last time we were in San Francisco, but we made it there this time. We made Kevin carry Isla for the hike. She yelled at him every time he stopped walking, because she did not appreciate her nap schedule being disrupted for a 2 hour time change.

Then we hopped on a quick plane to Portland. Joe and my sister in law Michelle are cooking up my very first niece! Who we called Josephina Michellalina. Josephina Michellalina is due early January. We also got to spend time with JENNY! Here we all are down at the Saturday Market.

We also went to an awesome India Festival and ate yummy Indian foods. Here's Michelle and Isla chowin' down.

Thanks for such an awesome trip, Kevin, Brittany, Joe, Michelle, and Jenny!!!!
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