This is the one millisecond that Isla let these bunny ears perch atop her head. As you can see I am in position to leave photo frame after placing them on her head.

How to hunt an egg:

Grandma and Grandpa Seats came down for a quick Easter visit- and we finally got Jason's sister, Tina, to San Antonio for the first time. We had a nice laid back weekend. It's warm enough for pool time now. Here's Isla spending some quality time with Tina.

Isla went on an egg hunt, and was pretty entertained by the activity. I did a practice run earlier in the week with her playgroup. Sometimes Grandpa doubles as an Easter Bunny. Photo below: "Arg, why do you make me work so hard for these eggs, Grandpa!"

And then we had lots of fun with stickers in eggs, put them on the paper, and then color with crayon activity.

Here we are at our Easter Sunday meal.