Just before the 7 month mark, we spent a week in St. Louis. The main objective of the trip was to give Grandma D and Grandpa D some much needed grand-baby time.

And Isla finally got to meet her Uncle Dan!

We also had time to see some friends, and visit our old stomping grounds. We made it to lunch at Everest (Nepalese Food), dinner at Bon Me So (Vietnamese), and Ted Drews. Also we made it to one of my favorite places in the whole world- Eckert's!- for some apple-picking. Again, the Kappels met us for some apples. Two years in a row- it's a tradition! Here's me with my family amongst the apple trees. Except we're standing in from of a cherry tree. We weren't sure why there were cherry trees in the apple orchard. And here are the kids- Sam, Emma, and Isla- cooling off after picking apples in 90 degrees.

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