Due to the generosity our of friends and family, Isla already has quite the wardrobe. We may not have to buy her any clothes for the 1st year of her life. Our little girl was on the petite side when she was born. During our first week home with realized she was too small for the clothes labeled size "newborn" and we quickly ran out of clean clothes for her. So, we made an emergency trip to Baby Gap after her first Doctor visit to buy more tiny clothes for her. I ran into the store like a crazed woman while Jason waited in the car with crying Isla (she hates her car seat), and said "I need really small baby clothes." The saleslady pointed out the newborn clothes to me, and I said, "No, smaller!" I ended up buying everything I could find that was labeled size "up to 7 lbs." Despite the fact that she is beginning to put on some chub, she still does not fit into the newborn size clothing! Every couple of days I get out one her cute outfits and think to myself, "This must fit her now." Then I try it out and it falls off of her. Well, one of these days...
Here's a photo of Isla Rose in front of the roses. While my parents were in town,
I love that top picture of Isla. What a cute smile! But then I do love all pictures of Isla. GM
I love that top picture of Isla. What a cute smile! But then I do love all pictures of Isla. GM
If it's any consolation, Sloane is at least 9 pounds by now and a lot of her newborn clothes are still falling off of her. I can't wait until she starts to fit into our 0-3 months stuff -- Baby clothes start to get so much cuter as you advance to larger sizes!
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